Alita: Battle Angel - Movie Review

In a futuristic post war cybernetic world a cyborg Doctor is rummaging through the garbage pile of Zalem, a city in the sky where the societal elite lives. The Doctor, Dyson Ido, finds the last remains of a cyborg girl, who is just barely alive. Doctor Ido takes her home to his clinic and gives her a new body, a body he had made for his own daughter who got killed. The cyborg is without memory of who she was or how she ended up in the garbage pile and Doctor Ido adopts her until she gets well. Soon Alita has a family, friends and a love interest but dangers lurk around every corner and she is not hesitating to take up the battle.
Though it got some classic plot points like Alita falling in love with the first boy she meets it takes some time before the real plot is revealed. The first half of the movie is about Alita finding out her new life in this world she has no recollection of. It gives time to explore the world and learn about its history and culture. The story has an open ending setting up for a second movie but at the same time it oddly fulfilling and even if something happened and a second movie will not be made it has a satisfying end.
The movie is well-made and designed with breathtaking animations and a good use of the slow motion effect. The fighting scenes are incredible and without being too much. It may have taken James Cameron sixteen years to get it done but the result was also worth it. He has made good use of the technology he developed for Avatar and other movies. And this movie is worth watching.
Alita: Battle Angel is a five star movie. It is diverse without forcing social justice. It got great action and a good deep story. I have nothing bad to say about this movie. I do dislike the whole "fall in love with the first boy" plot point for I find it outdated. But then again she is a teenage girl and the original manga was from 1990 and it therefore make sense. So I give it five out of five stars.
