Purple Hearts - Movie Review

Cassie, a young hardworking and struggling singer-songwriter can hardly pay both rent and for her insulin. She marries the formerly drug addict, now marine, Luke so he will get a higher pay while serving and they will split the money.

Purple Hearts is based on the book with same name written by Tess Wakefield. And I have no idea of how close to the book the movie really is. But hopefully the book is more fulfilling and is less confused about the plots. Though the movie is sweet and feels romantic caused by the overall tone it feels like it has no idea of what story it is telling. Is it a story about a young struggling musician who finally makes it and now has to deal with the pressure of fame? No. Is it about a young woman with diabetes who can not afford her medicine? No. Is it about a young man struggling with addiction? No. Is it about a young man struggling with his relationship with his dad and never feels like he is good enough? Still no. Is it about a young man joining the marines and having the deal with the problematic ideas of the military or how to live with the trauma afterwards? Again no. Is it about two young people trying to fraud the American government because a capitalistic society has ruined life for poor people? Sort of but still no. These are all story lines that has been started in the movie but is not really explored or finished in anyway. The only story line it really finishes is, two young people who dislike everything about each other but because of circumstances has to live together and ends up falling in love, which is the least interesting plot of the entire movie and it does not make sense. Like these two people almost hate each others persona but because of the mutual benefits decides to get married and then they have sex on their wedding night. They have known each other for less than a week and they hate each other. There is no logic reason to why they have sex. Then he is hurt during deployment and is sent home where she has to take care of him and they hate living together. She writes songs about how much she hates it and him. They finally get caught and he decides to take all of the blame for it which suddenly makes her realise that she loves him. There was so much potential in this movie and it just drops everything for a boring plot.

But even though the plot is boring it is still a sweet and somewhat romantic movie. And Sofia Carson makes some great performances which probably is the best part of the movie. I will give it two and a half star out of five. And will recommend watching it on either date night, girls night or "I feel emotional and needs something to make me believe in love" nights.
