Something About You - Christmas Story 2022


“Oh my fucking God! Marc! Marc wake the fuck up. Wake up now Marc”

Marc rolls over to look at his phone as his duvet gets pulled off of him. It is only seven in the morning. Margot, his roommate, is standing at the end of his bed with his duvet in hand. For the last five years, she has been his best. They met at University of Iowa, both majoring in Theatre arts. She was a brilliant and energetic performer and he loved making costumes and dressing up. After they graduated, they moved to New York together with dreams of making it on Broadway.

“Why are you waking me this early?” Marc yawns tired.

“Cause this is fucking amazing. I just got three tickets to the big costume party tonight. We are going to the fucking 2018 Dreamscape Christmas party” Margot excitedly holds the tickets out for Marc to see.

“Did I just hear you have three tickets to the Dreamscape Christmas party?” Darren dramatically walks through the door dressed in his running clothes. Darren is four years older and owns the apartment they live in; it was a gift from his dad after he graduated. However, after living alone for a year he felt lonely in this big city and started to rent out some rooms to young art students who needed a hand. The first couples of roommates had already passed through when Marc and Margot found the ad. “Honey, I hope one of those tickets are for me”.

“Only if you bring breakfast back from your run” Margot says playfully and holds the tickets out in front of him. “Come on Marc get out of bed we need to plan our costumes”.

“Bitch I always have a costume ready. Now give me my duvet so I can get back to sleep” Marc grabs his duvet out of Margot’s hands, and lies back down. “Wake me again when Darren is back with breakfast”.

“But you have to help me with a costume” Margot pulls at the duvet.

“Later girl. I need to sleep or I'll burn out before we even come to the party” Marc gives her a loving smile and she leaves the room.

As the clock hits nine Marc is pulled out of bed. Darren and Margot tried their best to be patient and let him sleep but they were too excited. They have a lovely day together wearing matching Christmas pyjamas, baking cookies and making costumes. At least Darren does most of the baking, Margot is spending more time entertaining with Christmas songs; but that is for the best, Darren is a great baker and Margot has a lovely singing voice.


As the hour, strikes nine they are dressed in their costumes standing outside a large warehouse. Hundreds of people in all kinds of amazing costumes are waiting in line for the doors to open. Margot is dressed like Charlie Chaplin, one of her many acting inspirations. Darren is a sexy vampire for he loves the dark, mysterious and dramatic look. Marc is more into dressing for the season. There is only about twenty-five days a year where a Christmas costume is acceptable and he is not going to waste one. So here, he stands in his best Christmas elf costume with curly shoes and a bell on his hat. He just wishes they would open the doors already, for his costume is not very warm and he can barely feel his toes.

“Uuuhgg I’m so fucking excited. I heard that last year; Lady Gaga was judging the costume contest” Margot chats as they wait in line.

“Calm your tits honey, why would Lady Gaga be at the Dreamscape Christmas party judging costumes” Darren snaps for just like Marc he is freezing his ass off.

A deep raspy voice dramatically interrupts them “yeah why would I be at a party like this?”

They turn around to see a tall person covered in red from the top of their head down to their knees.

“Nice costume Terry, you have really perfected Lady Gaga’s 2009 VMA red lace dress” Darren smiles as he recognises his old friend.

Terry removes the red veil “Oh boo you Darren, how did you know it was me?”

“First of Terry, you are about fifteen inches taller than Lady Gaga. Even if she were in heels, you would still be a head taller than her. Secondly, your voice is very deep and masculine. I mean it absolutely drives me wild but you aren’t fooling anyone. And lastly, I recognise that long scar on your knee” Darren sasses Terry.

“Oh My God babe, I just saw someone look exactly like 2004 Hilary Duff. Do you think there are any famous people here?” A guy, dressed as Britney Spears from her Toxic music video, comes over and grabs Terry by the arm.

“Darren, Marc and Margot, this is my boyfriend Philip. He’s from Wisconsin and this is his first New York costume party” Terry introduces Philip to the others. “And babe, this is Darren. He gave me a place to stay when I first moved to New York as a young blue-eyed gay who thought Broadway would greet me with open arms. He really helped pick me up and brush me off after I failed my first audition. With his support I actually got my first off-Broadway role just after a couple of months”.

“So you are that Darren, well thank you for making sure Terry here didn’t run back to his parents’ farm crying about how hard the big city is” Philip says and clutches Terry’s arm closer. “Oh hey they have opened the doors. See you around” he says and shortly after they have disappeared in the crowd.

“It’s finally time, fuck yeah” Margot grabs Marc and Darren by the arms so they do not lose each other in the crowd.

A couple of Dreamscape employees greets them at the door. They are dressed as elfs but instead of wearing red or green, their costumes are navy blue with a pattern of small fluffy clouds and Z’s. Their Christmas hats go all the way down to the ground and are decorated with a set of sleeping eyes on their forehead. It makes Marc feel a little self-aware of his own elf costume. It feels slightly weird to be dressed as an elf when all the employees are elfs too. Of course, his costume is more like Santa's helper who fell into a wad of tinsel. The elfs checks their tickets and points down a dark hallway with a faint light at the end. At first, they can barely see anything. But as they walk further down the hallway towards the light, small luminescent Z’s appears all over the walls. The light comes from around a corner and as they turn it, they find a new hallway but this one is painted into a psychedelic spiral with luminescent neon colours.

“Oh I get it, very clever. This all symbolizes our journey into the dreamland” Mac whispers to the others.

They can feel the bass pumping and the music is getting louder as they walk further down the spiral hallway. At the end is a small sign in front of a big fluffy cloud reading Enter the Dreamscape. One by one they walk through the cloud and for two seconds all Marc can see is white and then he is out on the other side. He is standing in a cloud of smoke. Margot grabs his hand and leads him further into the room. Everything slowly becomes visible and he finds himself in a big beautiful room. Garlands, snowmen and giant Christmas trees are placed all over the place. Coloured lights blinks in rhythm to the beat and lasers are lighting the dancefloor. Illuminating arrows on the floor guides to different sections of the party. To their left are red arrows pointing towards a lounge area on a balcony bathed in dim red light with a sign that reads Dreams of Lust. From where they stand, they can see some very comfortable couches, a Go-Go dancer on a small platform and some sexy waiters serving their guests. To their right are green arrows pointing towards a line of four isolated barrooms in different styles and a view over the dancefloor. The sign reads Dreams of Freedom. First in line, is a Tiki Bar with bright light and beach chairs, it feels warm just to look at. It is followed by, a rustic beer bar with wooden tables and a beer pong area. Third, is a sleek New York style whiskey lounge with dimmed light and a sax player. Last, is an ice bar with warm white faux-fur coats hanging outside free to use. White arrows leads them straight ahead to a large sunken dance floor. Small bars with standing tables are placed at both sides of the floor and at the far end is a large stage with a DJ and a wall of monitors visualizing the current dream theme. The sign reads Dreams of the Living. VIP guests who were invited to the warm up party are already out on the dance floor.

“Wow, this is amazing” Darren is almost shouting to the others over the music. “What should we do first? Drinks?”

“Let’s do the Tiki bar, it looks warm and I want cocktails” Marc decides and leads the way.

“Okay, but let’s not get too wasted. The costume contest is at one and I want to participate” Margot says and does a little Chaplin walk.

“We do one drink, scout for some cute boys and then go dancing” Darren suggests as they stand in line behind three women dressed as cops.

“What?” Marc asks as Darren waves his hand in front of him. He was distracted by a guy looking like a young Tom Selleck.

Darren repeats himself “one drink and then dancing. What are you looking at?”

“Young Tom Selleck walking down to the dance floor” Marc points him out to Margot and Darren.

“Dibs” Margot immediately claims.

“Hey bitch, I saw him first” Marc protests.

“Yeah bitch, but you didn’t call dibs” Margot taunts with a cocky smile and a tip of her hat.

Darren laughs “it looks like you are both too late” he points at the young Tom Selleck again who is making out with a plus sized black woman in a golden dress. They do not recognise her costume but she looks amazing.

The three cops get their drinks and find some beach chairs to sit in. “What do you want, darlings?” the bartender, a tall drag queen, leans in to ask as they approach.

Darren is the first to talk. He loves to flirt with bartenders for fun. “I would like Sex on the beach and three orgasms, thank you” he says with a cocky smile.

The bartender sizes Darren for a second before responding “Sex on the beach in this cold? Honey, it will just give you half an inch of frostbite. Let’s change it to a Quick fuck, Between the sheets and then an Orgasm” the bartender makes a little note before turning to Margot. “What about you darling, a Charlie Chaplin for Charlie Chaplin?”

“Is that a drink?” Margot asks surprised and a little impressed “that is fucking amazing”.

“You should try it darling” the bartender says and makes another note before turning to Marc. “And for the handsome elf, can I suggest our own Christmas dream? It’s creamy, minty and supposed to be magical”.

“Oh my God, I was just going to order that, how did you know?” Marc exclaims.

“I’m just really good at my job honey” the bartender says and turns around to make the drinks.

Darren downs his two shots at the counter and then the three find a place to enjoy their drinks. It is getting quite crowded and it looks like there are at least a thousand people inside with all kinds of costumes.

“So, when are you leaving for Christmas?” Darren asks “and more importantly when are you coming back again?”

“I’m going home on the 24th; my parents live in Columbus Ohio. It’s a bit of a drive but I’ll be back again on the 27th” Margot says, pulling her gaze from the three cops in the beach chairs “what about you?”

“My dad don’t want to be seen with me. It was part of the deal when he gave me the apartment. He said that I have the right to love who I want and to be whom I am and since I’m his son he will provide for me. But that doesn’t mean he has to be part of my life. So I’ll be staying here” Darren tries to put on a smile but it still hurts.

Margot gently grabs Darren’s hand “oh honey, I’m sorry. You can always come home with me. My mom has always wanted a gay son”.

“That’s fine honey, but I don’t feel like doing an eight hour drive. And New York is so lovely this time of year” Darren says thankfully.

“In my family we do Christmas in January instead. My parents found out it was much cheaper and less stressful, so I’m also staying. We can do our own Christmas then” Marc empties his Christmas dream.

“I’d love that”

“Oh no, you bitches aren’t having a Christmas without me. I’m staying too. Mom and dad will understand” Margot hugs them both.

Darren quickly dries his eyes “enough of that. Let’s go dancing. I can see a handsome fella I call dibs on”.


“I’m thirsty, let’s get something to drink” Margot shouts to Marc. It is very hard to hear each other down on the dance floor.

They have been dancing for two hours now. Darren is making out with a pirate in the corner; it is the third guy he is making out with. Margot has also gotten a lot of attention from the straight guys at the party but she turns them away as soon as they try to grind on her. She would not mind hooking up with someone but she really dislikes the aggressiveness in grinding on strangers.

“Yes babe, order me a cider, I’ll be over in a bit. Just got my eyes on someone” Marc shouts back.

Marc locks eyes with a tall sexy shirtless Minotaur. He straightens up, puts his chest forward and struts towards the Minotaur. People are moving out of his way as he walks across the dance floor. Then the lights turn off and a spotlight moves over the dance floor towards the stairs. Marc turns around to see the light shine on young Hilary Duff from the 2004 movie A Cinderella Story. Killer Queen starts playing as she walks down the stairs and onto the dance floor. Marc is completely mesmerized by this woman walking towards him and does not realise they are alone on the dance floor. Without thinking, his body reacts to her movements. Like magic, he is dancing in perfect harmony with this stranger. The music transitions into ballroom and people joins them with almost movie like coordination. Marc stares deeply into the blue eyes behind the white mask. It is the most beautiful blue eyes he has ever seen, like two shining jewels. There is something about this woman that captivates him and he just wants to keep dancing with her. Songs changes and people flow back and forth between the dance floor and the bars and before he has noticed it, half an hour has gone by.

“What's up, party people. DJ Dream Rave is in the house” the DJ calls to the crowd as the dream theme changes. “It’s midnight yall and time for the last dream before the costume contest. I wanna see yall on the floor for it’s bout to get wild”.

A loud bass drops and the lights dim. Lasers starts flying fast and wild around the room. Strobe lights are flashing as hundreds of people rush to the dance floor. Marc is pushed around and it feels like the room is spinning. He tries to find his way out to the side. Cinderella disappeared in the crowd before he asked for her name or anything.

“Marc, are you okay? What happened?” Margot and Darren grab his arms.

Marc grabs a tight hold onto their arms but he keeps scouting through the crowd “I just got overwhelmed by it all” he breathes heavily but can feel that he is starting to calm down again. “Did you see where Cinderella went? Oh, there she is…”

Marc lets go of his friends and zigzags through the crowd up the stairs towards the exit after Cinderella. He follows her up to the cloud entrance but she is gone. Her white masquerade mask is lying on the floor like it was dropped. He picks it up and walks over to a nearby Dreamscape elf. “Hey sorry to bother you, did you see a girl come by dressed as Hilary Duff from A Cinderella Story” he asks over the music.

“Yeah I’ve seen Hilary Duff, she’s over there” the Dreamscape elf points towards a table before returning to her duties.

Darren and Margot catches up to Marc as he walks towards the table. He has no idea what he is going to say. He has never felt this way towards a woman before; he has known he was gay ever since his sister showed him High School Musical when he was eight. There is just one woman at the table but she does not look like Cinderella.

“Excuse me, hi have you seen someone look like Hilary Duff come by… Oh my God, you are the real Hilary Duff” Marc exclaims excitedly as the woman turns around. “It’s the real Hilary Duff” he gasps to his friends.

“Did you just say you were looking for someone dressed like me?” Hilary asks with a small endearing laugh.

“Oh my God Margot, it really is Hilary Duff” Darren gasps and grabs Margot’s arm. “We are so sorry to disturb your evening. You are amazing and we love you”.

“Yes, we are very sorry” Marc apologizes too. “I was just dancing with a girl dressed like you in A Cinderella Story but she disappeared in the crowd and I asked a Dreamscape elf if they had seen her and they thought I was looking for you. And you are so amazing”.

“Oh my God I love that and thank you so much, you are so kind. And I really like your costumes, you look gorgeous. That is a nice Charlie Chaplin costume, did you make that yourself” Hilary inspects Margot’s costume.

“I made it” Marc says timidly. It is the first time a fashion designer comments on his clothes “I like to make costumes. I dream of a career as a costumier”.

Hilary inspects the other costumes “you are really good and you have an eye for details. Here’s my number, you should call me in the new year, I can maybe get you in touch with some of my connections” she hands Marc a business card “what’s your name?”

“Sorry, I’m Marc” he introduces himself and very carefully tucks the card away “thank you so much”.

“Why are you here? Are you the celebrity judge for the costume contest?” Margot blurts out ecstatic that Hilary liked her costume.

“Hehe, you’re not supposed to know that” Hilary laughs. “I heard Lady Gaga did a fantastic job last year and now they asked me and it is such an honour I couldn’t say no. Oh look at the time, I better start getting ready. Have a good evening” and just like that she rushes off to talk to some Dreamscape elfs.

“We just met Hilary Duff, Dreamscape is amazing. Thank you so much for getting these tickets. The next round is on me, babes” Darren cheers and leads the way to the beer bar.

Marc takes one last glance around hoping to see Cinderella before accepting that he might not see her again.


His head is pounding and his mouth is dry. Marc does not remember exactly how they came home last night. He very slowly rolls over to check the time on his phone. It is lying on the bedside table together with Cinderella’s mask. It is two in the afternoon; he should probably get up and get something to eat. It smells like Darren is at it in the kitchen. With a bad feeling, he checks his credit card statement; he used almost three hundred dollars last night. It is way than he had hoped and it will take some time earning it back doing food deliveries; hopefully Hilary Duff can help him with a better job. Slowly he grabs his Christmas pyjamas and drags his feet out in the common room. Darren looks like he is fresh to go for a run. He stands in the kitchen whipping up a solid breakfast of eggs, bacon and pancakes. Margot is lying on the couch with a woman dressed like an angel on top of her, both half-naked. It looks like they never made it to her bedroom.

“Morning sunshine, food is just about ready” Darren sings as he sees Marc sink down on a chair. “So our little Margot brought a friend home. I didn’t know she’s bi”.

Marc grunts as he lifts his head to answer “oh she is very bi. If it wasn’t because she is very monogamous she would be perfect in throuple”.

“I don’t like to share” Margot grunts as she silently takes place beside Marc. Her partner follows shortly after and takes place on her lap.

“Oh I didn’t mean to wake you honey. I’m sorry” Darren apologizes and starts placing food on the table. “And what may I call you?”

“She started moving around when you said food. I’m Ariel, named after the mermaid” Ariel introduces herself.

“So what happened last night? The last thing I remember is that we talked with Hilary Duff” Marc asks.

Darren takes a little joy in them being this hungover. “We got some drinks before the costume contest started. Hilary opened it with an amazing performance. But the rest, honey you are lucky to have forgotten. Margot came fifth; she lost to a sexy Charlie Chaplin. He was topless and wore a top hat and suspenders. Our sweet Margot got mad and in best Charlie Chaplin style flipped off the judges…”

“It was rigged. I heard him brag about how he had bought the contest. But Hilary Duff really tried to be a fair judge. She’s the best” Margot interrupts.

“Anyways, then you bumped into some guy and got all sad. You began to cry about how you’re never going to meet Cinderella again. It was kinda sad. At some point Margot returned from the bathroom with Ariel and no explanation. Around four, you started to ask everybody who passed by if they had seen Cinderella. So I decided it was time for us to head home” Darren explains, very amused by it all.

“What is it with you and Cinderella? It’s almost like you are crushing on her” Margot asks while filling her plate with food. She is starving.

Marc nibbles on a pancake; he is hungry but also very nauseated. “I don’t know. I never felt like this about a woman. But there is something about her that intrigues me”.

Ariel grabs some bacon, kisses Margot “babe I gotta go, snap me later. Love you” she blows air kisses as she walks out the door “bye”.

Darren waits a moment to make sure she is gone “she seems cute. Are we going to see her again?” he teases.

Margot picks up her phone and shows it, she just received a snap from Ariel reading Love u babe followed by fifteen pink hearts. “Don’t count on it” she grunts tired “she’s a little too perky”.

“Anyways darlings, if we are having Christmas someone should go shopping” Darren gives them a smug and happy smile “and since I’m the only one who can cook. I claim not it”.

Margot makes big puppy dog eyes, which is hard because her head hurts “but bitch” she says with as much love as she can muster “I’m literally dying. And you know all about what we need”.

Marc finishes his pancake “I’ll do it. But first I need to lie on that couch and watch A Christmas Carol, preferably the Muppets version”.

“Thank you so much. And yay A Christmas Carol” Margot gives him a quick hug before very slowly rushing to her room to change it pyjamas and grab a blanket.


It is five in the evening. Marc has just finished loading Margot’s car with groceries and is on his way back home. He just has one last stop to make. Cinderella has been on his mind all day and he figures that she must have been part of the show last night. And somebody must know who she is. He parks the car outside the warehouse. Hopefully there are still some Dreamscape employees around he can talk to. It is already very dark and he is all alone. This place is a lot creepier without the holiday decorations and the hundreds of colourful people waiting for the doors to open. He wishes that he had gotten this idea earlier or that he could wait until tomorrow but the longer he waits the smaller his chances become of finding her. He knocks on the doors but the place looks empty except for some light shining behind an open door. He waits around hoping to see someone come by. It is freezing cold to be out here and after a couple of moments he tries the door; to his surprise it opens.

“Hello, is anyone here?” Marc calls out as he enters “is there anyone I can talk to?” His voice echoes down the empty hallways. No one answers but he can hear noise coming from the big party room. He follows the sound. It is a radio and it is playing Christmas music. “Hell…” he is about to call again as someone bumps into him as he walks through the door.

They both fall back on their asses and papers fly everywhere. A slim guy, not very tall, with a rather androgynous face, soft skin and clear blue eyes is sitting in front of him. The guy immediately corrects his thin frame round glasses and scrambles for his papers before running out of the door without saying a word.

“Sorry” Marc calls after him but he is already long gone.

A woman with red hair and pin striped suit approaches him “hi, how can I help you?” she asks with a face that says he should not be here.

Marc stands up straight to talk with the woman “sorry to bother you. I was here at the party last night and wondered if you could help me locate a person. I think she was part of one of your dreams. She was dressed as Hilary Duff in A Cinderella Story. I of course don’t want you to give me her private information but if you could give her my name and number and let her know I wish to talk”. He feels like a giant creep for even asking about this.

The woman gives Marc a penetrating stare before answering “I know who you are talking about but I am unable to help, we are also trying to find her. The Cinderella dream was not part of the planned dreams, which is why it came so abruptly in the schedule and made a horrible transition to the Rave dream. We are still investigating who took the initiative and why. Fortunately for me, it was a success. Please leave now”.

The woman leaves and two workers escort Marc out of the building and lock it behind him.


“Oh fuck me, the weather is hot today” Margot is lying in her bikini on the beach waiting for Darren to say it is time to eat.

Darren insisted on having a small Fourth of July party at the beach with their friends. He loves a good Fourth of July party; not because he is that patriotic but because he welcomes any excuse to celebrate with his friends, especially when the weather is good.

“Let me get you something cold to drink babe. Luckily I brought lots of low fat kale smoothies” Margot’s new boyfriend Adam jumps up from the sand ready to help “where did you place the cooler?”

“Oh I must have left it in the car, just bring me a cold beer” Margot says. She purposely left the cooler in the car. Adam has been giving her kale smoothies for the last two weeks. It is not because she has anything against a good one, but Adam’s kale smoothies are just water and blended kale.

“Damn babe. Well I’ll be right back then” Adam kisses Margot and leaves.

“So when are you going to dump him?” Marc teases her as Adam is out of hearing range.

“What? I’m not going to dump him. I like Adam” Margot says, offended that her best friend would ask her something like that. However, he is right that she wants to dump Adam; he was fun in the start but now it feels like all he does is talk about training and diets.

“Oh drop the act honey. I can see it in your eyes every time he talks, especially when he says kale smoothie” Marc can see she is thinking about a comeback “you know he is on his way to the car to get you a smoothie instead of a beer”.

Margot falls defeated back in the beach chair “tonight. I’m doing it tonight” she sighs. “I just thought I could keep him a little longer and not have yet another failed fucking relationship this year”.

Marc signals to Darren to bring some beers. “Yeah what’s up with that? This is your fifth serious but short relationship since Christmas. You usually just do casual dating or long term. Like Steven and Sandra, you dated both of them for over a year”.

“I don’t know. It just feels like I’m missing something, I just can’t seem to find it. Everybody I date just fucking suck so hard” Margot feels a little relieved finally talking about it and she is happy that her best friend knows her so well.

Darren comes over and hands them a beer each “so what are we talking about?”

“Margot is going to dump Adam tonight and she feels like she is missing something” Marc summarizes.

“Oh finally, I’m so tired of him messing up my beautiful kitchen. And no offence honey, but all your partners this year has been tiring. I think you should date someone more like Ariel; she’s fun and nice and she really seems to understand and respect you” Darren smiles wisely “where is she anyway? I thought you invited her”.

“She’s in Europe right now doing some work thing. I don’t know exactly what, I don’t understand when she talks about computers and coding. She’s not back before December” Margot instinctively checks her phone now they are talking about Ariel.

“And speaking of missing something, darling, you have been missing out on a lot” Darren turns to Marc to hand out some more advice. “Margot might have been dating the wrong people but at least she is trying. You have basically been a nun since Christmas. Honey you can’t just put your life on hold for a fantasy. You should go talk with the handsome guy I brought you. His name is Jared” he points to a well built smooth looking man who is talking with Terry and Philip.

“You are right; it is time I get back out there. And he is very handsome, but he also looks very straight” Jared is just Marc’s type, muscular, handsome and well groomed.

Darren makes a little laugh “he is a businessman that is just how they look. But he plays guitar and has a lovely singing voice”.

Marc gets eye contact with Jared and gives him a charming smile and little wave with his hand. He can see Jared coyly smile back and knows that he is hooked. Maybe a little Jared is just what he needs.


It is five in the morning, a cold Tuesday in December. Margot, Darren and Marc are standing outside the arrival gate at J. F. Kennedy international airport. There is a small crowd eagerly waiting for their loved ones to arrive. Margot is nervously repeating her acting exercises trying to calm herself down.

Marc is hanging tired over the railing, trying to find a comfortable position. “Remind me again why we are here this early” he yawns. Defeated slouches down to the floor with his back against the railing.

“This is the big romantic gesture. The big rom-com moment, where the hero declares their love in a very public way. Ariel loves those moments. She always talks about how romantic they are whenever they appear in a movie. Oh fuck me, I am an actor, I can do this. I am an actor, I can do this” Margot snaps and begins to pace back and force.

“No babe, I get that, I was wondering why Darren and I are here” Marc can hardly keep his head up.

“Because bitch, I really need your support. I don’t think I can do it without you here. I mean what if she says no. I’m putting my heart on the line here and she could say no. Maybe I shouldn’t do this. You are right; we should just go home again” Margot frantically starts picking up her stuff and puts on her jacket.

Darren hands the flowers he is holding to Marc and grabs Margot by the shoulders. “Now, now darling, it is time for your breathing exercise. What is it your acting coach always says?”

“A deep breath for a deep performance” Margot says together with Darren.

“Good. Now if you really don’t want to do this, then we can still leave and no one will ever know. It is all up to you. But we know you love her and we are here to support you no matter what. You just need something to distract you while we wait” Margot nods calmly as Darren talks. He turns his head towards Marc “sleepyhead, dish about your date with Jared this weekend. Where did you go for your four month anniversary?”

“We broke up” Marc says bluntly. He have not had time to tell them about.

“You broke up?” Margot gasps in shock. For the last four months, Marc has been telling stories about how Jared was taking him out to fancy restaurants, operas and a trip to his family home in the Hamptons. “What happened?”

“We were walking through the Christmas market looking at all the small shops and buying small gifts for everyone. He was being a bit of a Scrooge talking about how the trinkets were of bad quality and how only poor people would like those gifts. So I thought let’s go ice skating instead, that is always romantic. But he kept complaining about the rental skates and the rough ice. He was starting to annoy me. After that, we just went to get hot cocoa. And while we were waiting in line I saw Cinderella. Or I thought it was her. I told him to stay in line and I would be right back. I ran after Cinderella as fast I could but once again, she disappeared. When I came back, Jared was sitting at a bench with only one cocoa for himself. He asked where I went and I explained the whole Cinderella thing. I asked where my cocoa was and he said that I left so he didn’t want to waste money on one for me. Then he told me that it was selfish and obsessive of me to leave him there alone when it was something I wanted to do. And that the entire day we had only been doing things that I wanted to do. So I broke up with him right there. We were just too different” Marc explains, he is very content with the situation. Jared was handsome and most of the time very nice. But they never really got close and he kept feeling like there was an invisible wall between them.

“Oh honey, I’m sorry about that. Thought I had found you someone really good…” Darren is interrupted as the gate opens.

“I am also very sorry. But I think I can see her. Come” Margot quickly scuttles backwards from the gate to an airport passenger car. She has managed to convince the driver to help her.

Darren grabs the flowers and helps Marc up before they follow Margot. About fifty people are walking through the gate making the room even busier than before. Marc presses play on his phone on Margot’s signal. The airport car drives carefully through the crowd with Margot standing on top of it holding her portable phone speaker above her head with an instrumental version of Last Christmas blasting from it. Everybody turns around to see what is going on as the car stops in front of Ariel. Interested in the situation, the crowd forms a circle around them. Many pulls out their phones to record everything. Darren and Marc takes place on each side of Margot with bouquet of flowers

Margot takes a deep breath. “Ariel Andersen, last Christmas you gave me your heart. And the very next day I gave it back to you for I thought it was a one night thing. But I was a fool who for I didn’t realize that I had given you my heart as well. I tried to forget about you with a string of relationships that all ended shortly after they began. For I thought we were too different and that we wouldn’t work out. I am demanding and sassy and sometimes a bitch. You are positive and helpful and perkier than a pair of tits. But the last year you have become one of my best friends. You are loving and kind and respects me for all that I am. There is something special about you that I would like to get more of everyday of my life. So I am standing here in front of you making a big display to ask you for a second chance. I know I am much too late and I understand if you say no. But I promise that this Christmas I will save you from tears if you say that I am someone special”.

Margot has just finished speaking as a loud squeal of pure joy sounds. Ariel throws herself into Margot’s arms for she has barely been able to contain herself during the speech. “YES! I fucking love this so much! And you brought me flowers. Aw you guys are just the absolute best. I love you guys”. The crowd applauds them as they share a big kiss.



“Aw look at him sleep, he’s like a little angel”

“Let’s wake him and tell him the good news”

Margot and Ariel are standing at the foot end of Marc’s bed, as he is sound asleep. They each grab a hold of his duvet and together pull it off him.

“Wake up Marc, this is the ghost of Christmas past” Margot yells as she jumps onto his bed.

“Wakey wakey Marc, we have a surprise for you” Ariel says and starts tickling his feet.

“Why don’t I have a lock on my door?” Marc groans as Margot begins shaking him.

“Because you love us” Margot and Ariel say simultaneously.

Marc looks at his phone; it is seven in the morning. “Why are you waking me at seven in the morning?”

“Because this is fucking amazing. You are going to love us” Margot exclaims excitedly.

“We have tickets for the 2019 Dreamscape Christmas party tonight. And you are going to make costumes for us” Ariel pulls out four tickets and joins them on the bed.

“… and this year your costumes are going to be even better, because of you finally got promoted to assistant costumier. Thank you Hilary Duff for all you have done for us” Margot gives Marc a big hug.

“You bitches told him without me?” Darren walks dramatically through the door.

“Oh my god this is just like last year. Wake me when Darren is back from his run and you better bring food and coffee” Marc grabs his duvet and lies back down.

Margot and Ariel lie down on each side of him “we haven’t told you the best part…”

“No bitches, I get to make this reveal” Darren interrupts them and sits down on the bed. “One of Ariel’s friends, this really hot guy named Christian. I want you to introduce us by the way. He works at Dreamscape and he told Ariel that the Cinderella dream is happening again this year. They found out who she is and she is going to be there tonight”.

“Do you know who she is?” Marc is suddenly very awake.

Darren shakes his head “no but, honey, you can finally meet her and get some closure”.


Just like last year, they have a lovely day in matching Christmas pyjamas having fun making costumes. Darren supplied them with a steady flow of snacks and drinks while Margot entertained with songs. Ariel was a big help, creating small decorations and LED attachments for the costumes. This year Margot and Ariel decided to dress as Christmas themed flapper girls. Green dresses with red and golden lights attached to it. They were inspired by the Gadsby-like grandiosity of last year's party. Darren decided to go as The Phantom, for as he said, it got all the great parts of a costume, a mask, a cape, a cane, sexuality and drama. Marc had a very easy time picking a costume for he had fantasized about this situation all year. There was only one choice and that was to dress like Chad Michael Murray in A Cinderella story with the addition of the white mask Cinderella dropped last year.

“Oh my, it’s even more magical than last year” Ariel exclaims ecstatic as they enter through the smoke. “Look babe, Santa Clause is sitting on the stage greeting people. Let’s hurry up” she pulls on Margot’s arm.

“Honey, you are adorable. Marc and I are going to order some drinks in the new karaoke bar next to the Tiki bar” Darren says and Ariel has already disappeared dragging Margot with her. “They are so cute together”.

Marc follows Darren while checking his watch. There are still a little over two hours until the Cinderella dream starts. He looks up just as he bumps into someone. Instinctively he reaches out and grabs the guy before he falls. It is the same slim guy with the androgynous face he bumped into last year. He recognises the blue eyes and thin frame glasses.

“Thanks” the guy mumbles and hurries away. Marc watches him as he disappears out through a hidden door. He finds it odd that he is not wearing a costume. But there is something about him.


It is almost time and Marc is in position for the Cinderella dream. He is standing a little away from the stairs with a good view of the entire dance floor. Ariel has been talking to the DJ informing him of the plan. Darren is standing in the middle of the dance floor; he will be trying to get Cinderella’s attention.

“Now relax, it’s just a small dance. You can do it” Margot tries to calm Marc as they wait for the lights to go out. “We are all here for you”.

His heart is beating and he feels a little lightheaded. Did he get too much to drink already? He grabs Margot’s hand and holds it tight. He checks his watch, half an hour to midnight. This is it. The lights turn off and a spot light shines on the top of the stairs. Cinderella has appeared from out of nowhere and descends to A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes. The dance floor empties as Cinderella walks onto it. Only Darren is still standing there and Cinderella approaches him. Darren takes her hands and they dance for a few steps, he then bows to her and points towards the top of the stairs. She turns around to see Marc standing in another spotlight. Slowly he walks down to meet her and with a short bow, he offers his hand. Here she is with her new mask and blue eyes. She takes his hand and instinctively they fall into the rhythm of the music. They dance as if they have always known each other. The music slowly transitions into ballroom and people join them on the dance floor. In this moment, he feels absolute peace inside of him and is content.

“I’m not the girl you think I am. This will never work, I am just a fantasy” Cinderella shouts as they are dancing. It’s hard to hear her voice through the music.

Marc looks deep into her eyes “I know absolutely nothing about you, I am just glad to have met you”.

“I have tried this before. This is not who I really am, I only dress like this for fun. But people are always disappointed when they find out who I am beneath the mask. You should go find another girl” there are clear tears in Cinderella’s eyes.

Marc smiles “Honey, I’m gay. I don’t want a girl. Something about you just intrigues me”.

“You are gay?” something in Cinderella’s eyes changes.

Darren signals that it is midnight, and a bell begins striking twelve. Marc stops the dance and bows to Cinderella. He takes off his mask and hands it to her. This time he is ready for her to leave and he is not going to chase her. She looks him deep in the eyes as the second strike falls. He can see that she is torn between running and staying. Third strike. Slowly she lifts her hands to take off her own mask. Fourth strike. Her mask is lowering and the light shines on her face. Or his face to be exact. Fifth strike. It is the guy with the blue eyes and thin frame glasses.

Marc smiles softly “you are beautiful”.

Sixth strike.

“Thanks, I’m Luc” he smiles back.

“I’m Marc. I hope you come find me after”

Seventh strike. Luc puts his mask back on and with a smile, he lifts his dress and runs. At the top of the stairs, he turns around and waves to Marc and as the bell strikes twelve, he is gone. Ariel, Darren and Margot join Marc on the dance floor as the new dream theme begins.

