M3GAN - Movie Review

After a horrible car accident that kills her parents, Cady is sent to live with her aunt Gemma, a cutting edge roboticist who creates animatronic toys for children. Gemma receives the call about the accident the same day a rivalling toy company launches a cheaper copy of their new toy. With the pressure from her bosses and being unprepared for parenthood, Gemma decides to fast track and finish her future doll project M3GAN to help take care of Cady. But without time to thoroughly test and set up a proper set of security protocols M3GAN evolves faster and becomes more extraordinary than they expected. But when they finally figures out that there is something wrong with M3GAN it is already too late.

M3GAN is a sci-fi horror movie about the dangers of creating a super intelligent, self-learning and evolving AI robot without proper security protocols implemented. It serves as a cautionary tale of the risk with new untested technology. But it is also a story about the importance of proper childcare and the dangers of neglecting children. M3GAN, though she is a super advanced and hyper intelligent robot, is also a neglected child left to raise herself and a traumatised human. And because she evolves at such an accelerated rate without guidance she creates her own values for what is right and wrong. M3GAN did not start out evil or with intent to do harm but through her primary directive, protecting Cady, she evolved a set of rules that allowed her to harm anyone that was a danger to Cady. This is also why Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics (probably best known from I, Robot) should always be included when creating AI life.

M3GAN is overall a really interesting tale of a very fantastic murderous robot, who sings, dances and makes jokes. But to call the movie a horror movie is kind of stretching the genre to the limit. Except for a few jump scares and the idea that technology will murder us, there is not much horror in this movie. Most of the movie is a sweet relaxing story about a girl and her robot with a few scenes of violence. But even the bloody effects are very mild for a horror movie. The level of horror in M3GAN makes it a good movie to start with if you want to ease into the horror genre. When that is said I am still going to give it four and a half stars out of five. It is a great and fun movie, just one song short of making it a sci-fi horror musical. They could have some more realistic effects and upped the horror level a bit. But is still very good.
