Blue Beetle - Movie Review

After accidentally coming in possession of the Scarab, an ancient alien artefact and a super powerful weapon, Jaime Reyes finds himself and his family hunted by the weapon and technology company Kord Industries. Victoria Kord, the CEO and co-founder of Kord Industries, will stop at nothing to get her hands on the Scarab. Jaime Reyes therefore has to accept the powers within the Scarab and become the Blue Beetle to protect his family and the Reyes family has to stand together to help and protect Jaime.

Blue Beetle is a very classic superhero movie that follows the known and expected structure of many superhero movies before it. Evil corporation wants to obtain the mythical power, idealistic woman tries to stop the evil corporation, young likeable man helps the idealistic woman and accidentally comes in possession of the mythical power, he reluctantly becomes a hero, the evil corporation wants to the destroy the hero, to stop the evil corporation the hero teams up with the idealistic woman, they fall in love, they almost lose but turns it around last moment and wins. It is very straight forward. However, it does add a little twist, instead of trying to keep it a secret for all he knows and love, Blue Beetle includes the entire family as part of the hero team from the start. It is not the most impressive or wild superhero movie but it is very stable and adequate. It is humorous, it got good action and cool effects but the story could have been better. The plot does not carry that much weight and the message of the movie, like strength in family and evil corporations are bad, are well known and tried out. However, considering the reception of last many DC movies it is understandable why they have returned to a more basic superhero story.

There are some questionable story elements in Blue Beetle, like why was there no reaction to a blue guy flying around town crashing into everything and cutting a bus in half. Why did Ted Kord have a have cave full of technology more than thirty years old and yet it was still way more advance than any current technology. Like if you have technology more advanced than what will be build thirty years in the future and you use it to run around in blue spandex then you are not really helping people. And booth Blue Beetle and Carapax are creating weapons and armours out of nothing, they do not absorb material or anything. Blue Beetle is of course using alien technology so that is the explanation for that but Carapax are using human technology with a bit of alien software, why does he have the power to create weapons without a matter source. And why was the Scarab in a big stone orb in Antarctica? The movie has plot holes and does not take time to consider or answer them.

The special effects team has done a nice work with the visuals, creating many exciting and interesting effects. It is not the most mind blowing or extravagant visual experience but it is nice to look at. For the hardcore fan of superhero movies Blue Beetle is a bit of a soft ball but for the casual movie viewer it is an okay movie to watch. It does not try anything new but it is familiar, easy to approach and does not require an extensive personal investment in the universe. So considering all this I am going to give Blue Beetle a rating of three and a half stars out of five. Bring your tweens and have a fun day with some mindless action.
