Madame Web - Movie Review

Cassie Webb is an paramedic in Manhattan and one day while out on a call, she has a near death accident that unlocks her clairvoyant powers. While having a hard time understanding what is happening to her, she gets visions of a man killing three teenage girls. She decides to save the three girls and reluctantly becomes their protector but to truly understand what is happening, she needs to go back to the Peruvian part of the Amazon rainforest and seek out a mystical spider people.

Madame Web is another movie like Morbius and Venom, that explores other characters in the Spider-verse without including Peter Parker as Spider-man. Like the previous movies, Madame Web has its problems with both story telling, camera work and sound work. Furthermore, because Sony does not has access to the X-men characters, they had to rewrite Madame Web's origin story, making her a spider person instead of a mutant. I really like that Sony has decided to explore more of the Spider-verse characters because there are so many to pick from and this plot was overall not that bad. It did have a few too many lows and it is difficult to write a story about someone able to see the future and still keep the suspense high because the has this ex machina to solve every problem. Madame Web and her three "spiderlings" are interesting characters and there is a lot of potential for them but there were points towards the end were it felt like the writers did not really know what to do. The villain, Ezekiel Sims, however did not work. He did not impress, he was not convincing and he was overall lacking in story; there were very little background story and motive to his actions and nothing was really explained about him. This and the fact that it sounded like all his lines had been added as a separate un synchronised sound layer did not help the movie. When it comes to the camera work there was two very big problems. First, the movie, as an action movie does, includes many short and fast clips to show the high paced action but many of those clips were so fast and shaky and too close to the action, that it felt like a confusing mess. Secondly, there were too much juddering, making the panning scenes annoying to the eye. Especially in one scene, when Cassie Webb was sitting on the floor in her apartment and the camera panned through the room, the window was very clearly jumping back and forth.

I like the characters and hope to see them again in a future movie but there are too many technical flaws to make this movie more than a mediocre flop. It still got some good things going, like the actors and some of the characters but I can not give it more than two and a half stars out of five.
